Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Behind Closed Doors by BA Paris - March 30th 2019

Behind Closed Doors by BA Paris
Everyone knows a couple like Jack and Grace: he has looks and wealth, she has charm and elegance. You'd like to get to know Grace better. But it's difficult because you realize Jack and Grace are never apart. Some might call this true love. Picture this: a dinner party at their perfect home, the conversation and wine flowing. They appear to be in their element while entertaining. And Grace's friends are eager to reciprocate with lunch the following week. Grace wants to go but knows she never will. Her friends call—so why doesn't Grace ever answer the phone? And how can she cook such elaborate meals but remain so slim? And why are there bars on one of the bedroom windows? The perfect marriage? Or the perfect lie? 

Our next meeting is .....  April 28th 
Our next hostess is  ..... Chrissy / West St 
Our next Book Club ......  Behind Closed Doors

Please email the hostess and use  Sign-up Genius to let each other know if we are attending and what you would like to bring. Back up and running here is the link to signup and see what others are bringing!